It's been too long!

We've been very busy. Extremely, crazy-making busy. But we're also having a ball. Here are a few choice bits: 1. Our facility is about a month from complete. Check out this dry fit of some of our equipment, including two headless stills. And don't worry, our equipment has adjustable feet for leveling :)


2. We're making progress on our branding and packaging and like. We love our brand guys, the Minnesotan New Yorkers! Here's a sneak peek of a draft of an imaginary rendering of a future bottle lineup...


3. We're waiting on various levels of government for various permits of various kinds. Cross your fingers for sequester-busting speed and success!

4. We're about to launch an indie-go-go campaign (like kickstarter, but more alcohol friendly :)) to help fund a visitor experience center at the distillery, to make your visit more fun. More on this coming soon...

5. We're about a month from Emily's due date. Emily's hanging in there. We're incredibly excited for baby.

That's it! Stay true friends.

Cheers, Emily and Joel