THiS MENU IS NOT CURRENT. Warm weather cocktail menu 2019

Tasting Flight

Choice of 4 spirits, house tonic, lime

___ & Tonic  bodacious

Choice of clear spirit, house tonic, lime

Dram O’ Whiskey

Really Old Fashioned  spirit forward  

Choice of spirit, sugar, bitters, orange twist

McGregor’s Revenge   earthy, bright, boozy     

Carrot-Infused Boreal Cedar Gin, ginger vermoose, pickled ginger juice

Oolong Island Iced Tea easy sipper              

Oolong-Infused Vodka, Øvrevann Aquavit, Boreal Juniper Gin, fauxpauri 2.1, pomegranate molasses

Brighton Peach   fruity & herbal      

Boreal Juniper Gin, peach puree, blueberry basil 

syrup, acid phosphate

Wingman citrusy & aromatic         

Øvrevann Aquavit, grapefruit cordial, lime juice, 

Cayenne Salt

Haus-Kegged Frenchie *   spritzy & citrusy        

Boreal Juniper Gin, sparkling rosé, lemon oleo

Taconite Cowboy  boozy & smooth       

Voyageur Aquavit, sassy vermoose, fauxpauri

Fancy Hat   light but rich            

Sugarbush Whiskey Lot 6, pineapple vermoose, 

haus bitters, mint

Matcha Do About Nothing  creamy & grassy 

Boreal Spruce Gin, matcha, coconut milk,

lime juice, lemon oleo

Irish Wristwatch   boozy & fruity                   

Honor Brand Hay & Sunshine, rhubarb & root 
syrup, orange liqueur, lemon juice, fabbri cherry

Snazzerac  boozy & aromatic  

Sugarbush Whiskey, Voyageur Aquavit, absinthe vert, house bitters, sugar, lemon peel

* On Tap