The Vikre Voyage

We went on a voyage!  Well, a small voyage. A voyage around town.  Why? Because Duluth is rockin’, and we thought it would be fun for everyone involved to showcase what’s happening in Duluth bartending these days - using Vikre spirits, because we’re partial to them ;).  And we did it on Norwegian Constitution Day because May 17th is one of the most celebratory days of the year!

We had 13 venues participate, bringing their passion and their own restaurant/bar’s particular style to their cocktail contributions.



We know what you’re thinking. “13 bars!?!” Yup, 13 bars.  With some help from our friends at Day Tripper and a designated driver, and mini cocktails (mini cocktails are cluuuuutch), our group of cocktail curious voyageurs stopped by more spots than you can count on two hands.


Our judging panel was made up of local bartenders who submitted scores and comments to the Vikre team for tallying.  Because judges came and went, we crowned our winner by finding the best average score. Despite our deepest desires, we avoided the temptation of giving out extra points for snacks provided at our pit stops, but we are definitely giving extra props to the venues that took care of our eating needs in addition to their signature tipples.  You’ve earned a special place in our hearts. Because the way to our hearts is most certainly through our stomachs. Also, everyone take note, tea and ginger appear to be the trends for the summer!


And now, we invite you to come on a cocktail voyage with us! The winner is named in their photo description. (Click on the photos and hover to see the complete descriptions! If on mobile, look for the *tiny* circle in the lower right hand corner of your device. Tap the circle for the complete descriptions.)

Special Thanks to Day Tripper of Duluth for the sweet van, Josh Nickila for photographing every drink WITH a menu (so helpful), and all of our judges!


Until next year, cheers!